Just and FYI...this is not a take-out sushi night...but our very own Sushi made AT OUR HOUSE! (Thank you dad for the sushi making kit for Christmas)
It was way exhausting but totally worth it. :) Just using Nick's perfectionist skills for my own personal advantage. He loves doing stuff like this! And I love that he loves doing stuff like this!
We met Fall of 2007 at Taco Tuesday night. After a perfect first date to Ho Ho Gourmet we decided to spend a little more time together. Then we got married September 2008 in the Bountiful Temple. We now live in North Carolina and are awaiting our first baby in November...a girl! Erica is as a Registered Dietitian. Nick is in Law School. You are most likely to see us eating, cooking, fishing, getting snow cones, or carving things out of wood (aka Nick's hobby).