Sunday, May 2, 2010


I haven't blogged in a while. Mostly because lately our days go a little like this...

We wake up and go to work and school
Come home from work/school and make dinner
Nick studies until 1 in the morning
I fall asleep on the couch
Nick carries me to bed
Nick brings me my toothbrush and I brush my teeth in bed

I can't wait for Nick's finals to be OVER! Graduation in 1 week!! Woo Hoo!

PLUS...I think I am losing my mind..

In the past two months I have been occasionally getting into the passenger seat of my car (when I am supposed to be the one driving myself somewhere!) I am just so used to Nick driving when we go places. Hopefully I will get my mind back and my life back in a couple weeks when there is no more studying after work.